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The new public health ([2014]) / Tulchinsky ، Theodore H، نویسنده
نوع مدرک:متون چاپی
سرشناسهTulchinsky ، Theodore H، نویسنده
شماره بازیابی :RA425 .T77 2014
عنوان :The new public health
تکرار نام مولف :Theodore H. Tulchinsky, MD, MPH, Braun School of Public Health, Hebrew University-Hadassah, Ein Karem, Jerusalem, Israel and Elena A. Varavikova, MD, MPH, PhD, Research Institute for Public Health Organization and Information (CNIIOIZ), Moscow, Russian Federation with Joan D. Bickford, MSN, Former Chief Public Health Nurse, Province of Manitoba, Canada ; foreword by Jonathan Fielding, MD, MPH, University of Los Angeles (UCLA), California
ویرایش :Third edition
ناشر:Amsterdam : Elsevier/AP
سال نشر :[2014]
صفحه شمار:xxv, 884 pages
ویژگی :illustrations
ابعاد :28 cm
شابک/شاپا9780124157668 (hbk)
یادداشتPrevious edition: London: Academic, 2009
Includes bibliographical references and index
0124157661 (hbk)
شناسه افزوده :Varavikova ، Elena
Bickford, Joan D
موضوع‌ها :اصفا
Public Health ؛ Medical policy
چکیده :The book provides a unified approach to public health appropriate for all masters' level students and practitioners-specifically for courses in MPH programs, community health and preventive medicine programs, community health education programs, community health nursing programs
مندرجاتMachine generated contents note: 1.A History of Public Health -- Introduction -- Prehistoric Societies -- The Ancient World -- The Early Medieval Period (Fifth to Tenth Centuries CE) -- The Late Medieval Period (Eleventh to Fifteenth Centuries) -- The Renaissance (1400--1600s) -- Enlightenment, Science, and Revolution (1600s--1800s) -- Eighteenth-Century Reforms -- Applied Epidemiology -- Jenner and Vaccination -- Foundations of Health Statistics and Epidemiology -- Social Reform and the Sanitary Movement (1830--1875) -- Social Security -- Snow on Cholera -- The Germ and Miasma Theories -- Hospital Reform -- The Bacteriological Revolution -- Pasteur, Cohn, Koch, and Lister -- The Basis of Genetics -- Vectorborne Disease -- Microbiology and Immunology -- Poliomyelitis -- Advances in Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases -- Infections and Chronic Diseases -- Maternal and Child Health -- Nutrition in Public Health -- Military Medicine -- Globalization of Health --
Contents note continued: Epidemiological Transition -- Achievements of Public Health in the Twentieth Century -- Creating and Managing Health Systems -- Challenges in the Twenty-First Century -- Summary -- Historical Markers -- Note -- Bibliography -- 2.Expanding the Concept of Public Health -- Introduction -- Concepts of Public Health -- Evolution of Public Health -- Health and Disease -- The Host-Agent--Environment Paradigm -- The Expanded Host-Agent-Environment Paradigm -- The Natural History of Disease -- Society and Health -- Health Insurance Systems -- Health Promotion -- Social Determinants of Health -- Modes of Prevention -- Health Promotion -- Health Protection -- Primary Prevention -- Secondary Prevention -- Tertiary Prevention -- Demographic and Epidemiological Transition -- Interdependence of Health Services -- Defining Public Health -- Social Medicine and Community Health -- Social Hygiene, Eugenics, and Corruption of Public Health Concepts -- Medical Ecology --
Contents note continued: Community-Oriented Primary Care -- The World Health Organization's Definition of Health -- Alma-Ata: Health for All -- Selective Primary Care -- The Risk Approach -- The Case for Action -- Political Economy and Health -- Social, Behavioral, and Political Sciences -- Health and Development -- Health Systems: The Case for Reform -- Advocacy and Consumerism -- Professional Advocacy and Resistance -- Consumerism -- The Health Field Concept -- The Value of Medical Care in Public Health -- Health Targets -- US Health Targets -- European Health Targets -- UK Health Targets -- Individual and Community Participation in Health -- Founding of Health Promotion: The Ottawa Charter of 1986 -- State and Community Models of Health Promotion -- Healthy Cities/Towns/Municipalities -- Human Ecology and Health Promotion -- Defining Public Health Standards -- Integrative Approaches to Public Health -- Achievements of Public Health -- The Future of Public Health --
Contents note continued: The New Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- 3.Measuring, Monitoring, and Evaluating the Health of a Population -- Introduction -- Demography -- Fertility -- Population Pyramid -- Life Expectancy -- Epidemiology -- Social Epidemiology -- Epidemiology in Building Health Policy -- Definitions and Methods of Epidemiology -- Rates and Ratios -- Measures of Disease Occurrence or Morbidity -- Prevalence Rates -- Measures of Mortality -- Social Classification -- Sentinel Events -- The Burden of Disease -- Years of Potential Life Lost -- Qualitative Measures of Morbidity and Mortality -- Measurement -- Research and Survey Methods -- Variables -- The Null Hypothesis -- Confounders -- Sampling -- Random Sampling -- Normal Distribution -- Standardization of Rates -- Direct Method of Standardization -- Indirect Method of Standardization -- Potential Errors in Measurement -- Reliability -- Validity -- Screening for Disease -- Epidemiological Studies --
Contents note continued: Observational Studies -- Experimental Epidemiology -- Establishing Causal Relationships -- Notification of Diseases -- Special Registries and Reporting Systems -- Disease Classification -- Hospital Discharge Information -- Health Information Systems (Informatics) -- WHO European Region Health for All Database -- Surveillance, Reporting, and Publication -- Assessing the Health of the Individual -- Assessment of Population Health -- Defining the Population -- Health Care Financing and Organization -- Health Care Resources -- Utilization of Services -- Health Care Outcomes -- Quality of Care -- Self-Assessment of Health -- Costs and Benefits -- Effects of Intervention -- Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods -- From Health Information to Knowledge to Policy -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- 4.Communicable Diseases -- Introduction -- Public Health and the Control of Communicable Disease -- The Nature of Communicable Disease --
Contents note continued: Host-Agent-Environment Triad -- Classifications of Communicable Diseases -- Modes of Transmission of Disease -- Immunity -- Surveillance -- Healthcare-Associated Infections -- Endemic and Epidemic Disease -- Epidemic Investigation -- Control of Communicable Diseases -- Treatment -- Methods of Prevention -- Vaccine-Preventable Diseases -- Immunization Coverage -- Vaccine Regulation, Schedules, and Programs -- Essentials of an Immunization Program -- Regulation of Vaccines -- Vaccine Development -- Connections Between Infectious and Chronic Diseases -- Control and Eradication of Infectious Diseases -- Success in Eradicating Smallpox -- Eradication of Poliomyelitis -- Future Candidates for Disease -- Eradication -- Criteria for Eradicable Diseases -- Directly Observed Therapy Short Course (DOTS) -- Vectorborne Diseases -- Malaria -- Rickettsial Infections -- Arboviruses (Arthropod-Borne Viral Diseases) -- Lyme Disease -- Neglected Tropical Diseases --
Contents note continued: Echinococcosis -- Tapeworm -- Onchocerciasis -- Dracunculiasis -- Schistosomiasis -- Leishmaniasis -- Trypanosomiasis -- Other Parasitic Diseases -- Legionnaire's Disease -- Leprosy -- Sexually Transmitted Infections -- Syphilis -- Gonorrhea -- Chancroid -- Herpes Simplex -- Chlamydia -- Trachoma -- Trichomoniasis -- Human Papillomavirus -- Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections -- HIV/AIDS -- Diarrheal Diseases -- Salmonella -- Shigella -- Escherichia coli -- Cholera -- Viral Gastroenteritis -- Parasitic Gastroenteritis -- A Program Approach to Diarrheal Disease Control -- Acute Respiratory Infections -- Inequalities in Control of Communicable Diseases -- Communicable Disease Control in the New Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- 5.Non-Communicable Diseases and Conditions -- Introduction -- The Rise and Spread of Chronic Disease -- Environment and Lifestyle -- Global Burden of Mortality --
Contents note continued: Risk Factors, Health Promotion, and Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases -- Tobacco -- Alcohol and Other Drugs -- Physical Activity -- Hypertension -- Diet and Obesity -- Mental Illness -- Genetic, Infectious, and Non-Communicable Diseases -- The Social and Economic Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases -- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention -- Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases -- Diabetes Mellitus -- Prevention of Diabetes and Its Complications -- Cancer -- Prevention of Carton -- Trauma, Violence, and Injury -- Motor Vehicle Accidents -- Domestic and Sexual Violence -- Suicide -- Poisoning -- Homicide -- Prevention of Violence -- Chronic Lung Disease -- Asthma -- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -- Restrictive Lung Diseases -- Occupational Lung Diseases -- End-Stage Renal Disease -- Disabling Conditions -- Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders -- Osteoporosis -- Degenerative Osteoarthritis -- Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout --
Contents note continued: Low Back and Neck Pain Syndromes -- Neurological Disorders -- Alzheimer's Disease -- Parkinson's Disease -- Multiple Sclerosis -- Epilepsy or Seizures -- Brain and Spinal Cord Injury -- Visual Disorders -- Hearing Disorders -- Non-Communicable Diseases and the New Public Health -- Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Recommended Reading -- Global Burden of Non-Communicable -- Diseases -- Social Determinants, Environment, and Economics of Non-Communicable Diseases -- Risk Factors, Health Promotion, and Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases -- Smoking -- Diet, Physical Activity, and Obesity -- Infectious Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases -- Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases -- Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, and End-Stage Renal Disease -- Cancer -- Trauma, Violence, Injury, and Suicide -- Chronic Lung Disease -- Disabling Conditions -- 6.Family Health -- Introduction --
Contents note continued: The Family Unit -- Preventive Health through Life Stages -- The Family Physician Cannot do All This Alone -- Maternal Health -- Fertility -- Public Health Challenges of Fertility -- Family Planning -- Maternal Mortality and Morbidity -- Pregnancy Care -- High-Risk Pregnancy -- Labor and Delivery -- Safe Motherhood Initiatives -- Care of the Newborn -- Low Birth Weight/Preterm Birth -- Postdelivery Care (Puerperium) -- Genetic and Birth Disorders -- Rhesus Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn -- Neural Tube Defects -- Cerebral Palsy -- Low Birth Weight and Developmental Disability -- Down Syndrome -- Cystic Fibrosis -- Sickle-Cell Disease -- Thalassemia -- Phenylketonuria -- Congenital Hypothyroidism -- Congenital Syphilis -- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- Tay--Sachs Disease -- Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency -- Familial Mediterranean Fever -- Infant and Child Health -- Fetal and Infant Mortality -- Infancy Care and Feeding --
Contents note continued: Anticipatory Counseling -- Documentation, Records, and Monitoring -- Preschool Children (Age 1--5 Years) -- School and Adolescent Health -- Smoking -- Alcohol Abuse -- Drug Abuse -- Sexual Risk Behavior -- Dietary Risk Behavior -- Physical Activity -- Violence and Gang Behavior -- Adult Health -- Women's Health -- Men's Health -- Health of Older Adults -- Health Maintenance for Older Adults -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- 7.Special Community Health Needs -- Introduction -- Mental Health -- Historical Changes in Methods of Treatment -- Mental Health Epidemiology -- Mental Disorder Syndromes -- Controversies in Mental Health Policies -- Community-Oriented Mental Health -- Prevention and Health Promotion -- Intellectual Disability -- Oral Health -- Fluoridation -- Periodontal Disease -- Dental Care -- Oral Cancer -- Physical Disability and Rehabilitation -- Special Croup Health Needs -- Cay and Lesbian Health -- Native Peoples' Health --
Contents note continued: Prisoners' Health -- Migrant Population Health -- Homeless Population Health -- Refugee Health -- Military Medicine -- Health in Disasters -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Mental Health -- Oral Health -- Disability and Rehabilitation -- Cay and Lesbian Health -- Native Peoples' Health -- Prisoners' Health -- Migrant and Refugee Health -- Military Medicine -- Disasters and Health -- 8.Nutrition and Food Safety -- Introduction -- Development of Nutrition in Public Health -- Nutrition in a Global Context -- Nutrition and Infection -- Functions of Food -- Human Nutritional Requirements -- Carbohydrates -- Proteins -- Fats and Oils -- Vitamins -- Minerals and Trace Elements -- Growth -- Measuring Body Mass -- Recommended Dietary Intakes -- Disorders of Undernutrition -- Underweight: Protein---Energy Malnutrition -- Failure to Thrive -- Marasmus -- Kwashiorkor -- Micronutrient Deficiencies -- Osteoporosis -- Eating Disorders -- Diseases of Overnutrition --
Contents note continued: Overweight/Obesity -- Diabetes Mellitus -- Cardiovascular Diseases -- Cancer -- Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation -- Promoting Healthy Diets and Lifestyles -- Dietary Guidelines -- Vitamin and Mineral Enrichment of Basic Foods -- Controversy in Food Enrichment -- Genetically Modified Foods -- Food and Nutrition Policy -- Evolution of a Federal Role -- Nutrition Issues in Development Policies -- Role of the Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organizations -- Role of Health Providers -- Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation -- Standard Reference Populations -- Measuring Deviation from the Reference Population -- Global Nutrition Targets for 2025 -- Food Quality and Safety -- Nutrition and the New Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Recommended Reading -- Foodborne Illness, Nutrition, and Infectious Disease -- Monitoring Growth and Body Mass -- Nutrient Requirements, Recommended Dietary Intakes, and Dietary Guidelines --
Contents note continued: Micronutrient Deficiency Conditions -- Vitamin D and Bone Health -- Nutrition, Obesity, and Chronic Disease -- Maternal/Child Nutrition and Survival -- Food Fortification -- Food and Nutrition Policy, and Food Security -- Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation -- 9.Environmental and Occupational Health -- Environmental Health -- Introduction -- Global Environmental Issues -- Geographic and Environmental Epidemiology -- Environmental Targets -- Environment and Infectious Diseases -- Global Climate Change -- Environmental Impact on Health Burden of Disease -- Community Water Supplies -- Waterborne Diseases -- Waterborne Disease Surveillance and Prevalence, USA -- Water as a Global Resource -- Sewage Collection and Treatment -- Solid Waste -- Toxins -- Toxic Effects on Fertility -- Toxic Effects of Lead in the Environment -- Agricultural and Environmental Hazards -- Air Pollution -- The External Environment -- Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether -- Indoor Pollution --
Contents note continued: Effects of Indoor Air Pollution -- Radon Gas -- Outdoor--Indoor Pollutants -- Biological Pollutants -- Built Environment and Health -- Hazardous or Toxic Wastes -- Minimata Disease -- Toxic Waste Management -- Radiation -- Ionizing Radiation -- Non-Ionizing Radiation -- Environmental Impact -- Emergency Events Involving Hazardous Substances -- Human-Caused Disasters -- War, Terrorism, and Genocide -- Preventing and Managing Environmental Emergencies -- Environmental Health Organization -- Occupational Health -- Introduction -- Development of Occupational Health -- The Health of Workers -- The Burden of Occupational Morbidity and Mortality -- Occupational Health Priorities in the USA -- International Issues in Occupational Health -- National and Management Responsibilities -- Standards and Monitoring -- Occupational Health Targets -- Occupational Injury -- Toxicity at the Workplace and in the Environment -- Lead -- Asbestos -- Silica --
Contents note continued: Cotton Dust (Byssinosis) -- Vinyl Chloride -- Agent Orange -- Workplace Violence -- Occupational Health in Clinical Practice -- Inspecting the Place of Work -- Risk Assessment -- Preventing Disasters in the Workplace -- Occupation and The New Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Environmental Health -- Occupational Health -- 10.Organization of Public Health Systems -- Introduction -- Government and Health of the Nation -- Federal and Unitary States -- Checks and Balances in Health Authority -- Government and the Individual -- Functions of Public Health -- Regulatory Functions of Public Health Agencies -- Investigative Functions of Public Health -- Prevention of Injuries -- Methods of Providing or Assuring Services: Direct or Indirect? -- Non-Governmental Roles in Health -- Disasters and Public Health Preparedness -- Medical Practice and Public Health -- Incentives and Regulation -- Promotion of Research and Teaching --
Contents note continued: Accreditation and Quality Regulation -- National Government Public Health Services -- State Government Public Health Services -- Local Health Authorities -- Accreditation of Public Health Departments -- Monitoring Health Status -- National Health Targets -- Universal Health Coverage and the New Public Health -- Hospitals in the New Public Health -- Hospital Classification -- Supply of Hospital Beds -- The Changing Role of the Hospital -- Innovations in Health Care Delivery -- The Uninsured as a Public Health Challenge -- US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Agencies and Organizations -- Recommended Reading -- 11.Measuring Costs: The Economics of Health -- Introduction -- Economic Issues of Health Systems -- Investing in Health -- Basic Concepts in Health Economics -- Supply, Need, Demand, and Utilization of Health Services -- Normative Needs -- Felt Need -- Expressed Need -- Comparative Need --
Contents note continued: Demand -- Supply -- Grossman's Demand Model -- Competition in Health Care -- Elasticities of Demand -- Measuring Costs -- Economic Measures of Health Status -- Cost--Benefit Analysis -- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis -- Basic Assessment Scheme for Intervention Costs and Consequences -- The Value of Human Life -- Health Financing: The Macroeconomic Level -- Costs of Illness -- Costs and Variations in Medical Practice -- Cost Containment -- Medical and Hospital Care: Microeconomics -- Payment for Doctors' Services -- Payment for Comprehensive Care -- Health Maintenance and Managed Care Organizations -- District Health Systems -- Paying for Hospital Care -- Capital Costs -- Hospital Supply, Utilization, and Costs -- Modified Market Forces -- Economics of Prevention -- Game Theory, Economics, and Health Policy -- Economics and the New Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- 12.Planning and Managing Health Systems -- Introduction --
Contents note continued: Health Policy and Planning as Context -- The Elements of Organizations -- Scientific Management -- Bureaucratic Pyramidal Organizations -- Organizations as Energy Systems -- Cybernetics and Management -- Target-Oriented Management -- Operations Research -- Management by Objectives -- Human Relations Management -- The Hawthorne Effect -- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs -- Theory X--Theory Y -- Network Organization -- Total Quality Management -- Changing Human Behavior -- Empowerment -- Strategic Management of Health Systems -- Health System Organization Models -- Functional Model -- Corporate Model -- Matrix Model -- Skills for Management -- The Chief Executive Officer of Health Organizations -- Community Participation -- Integration: Lateral and Vertical -- Norms and Performance Indicators -- Health Promotion and Advocacy -- Philanthropy and Volunteerism -- New Organizational Models -- New Projects and their Evaluation --
Contents note continued: Competencies in Health Policy and Management -- Systems Approach and National Planning -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Electronic Resources -- Recommended Reading -- 13.National Health Systems -- Introduction -- Health Systems in the Industrialized Countries -- Evolution of Health Systems -- Social Insurance -- National Health Service -- National Health Insurance -- The United States -- Federal Health Initiatives -- Medicare and Medicaid -- The Changing Health Care Environment -- Health Information -- Health Targets -- Social Inequalities -- The Dilemma of the Uninsured -- Summary -- Canada -- Reform Pressures and Initiatives -- Provincial Health Reforms -- Health Status -- Summary -- The United Kingdom -- The National Health Service -- Reforms in the 1970s and 1980s -- Reforms Since 1990 -- Social and Regional Inequalities -- Health Promotion -- Health Reforms -- Primary Care Trusts -- Summary -- The Nordic Countries -- Sweden -- Denmark --
Contents note continued: Norway -- Finland -- Western Europe -- Germany -- The Netherlands -- Russia -- The Soviet Model -- Epidemiological Transition -- Post-Soviet Reform -- Future Prospects -- Summary -- Israel -- Origins of the Israeli Health System -- Health Resources and Expenditures -- Health Reforms -- Mental Health -- Healthy Israel 2020 -- Quality Assurance -- Summary -- Health Systems in Developing Countries -- Federal Republic of Nigeria -- Female Genital Mutilation -- Communicable Diseases -- Non-Communicable Diseases -- Nigeria's Health System -- Millennium Development Goals -- Cancer -- HIV/AIDS -- Food Fortification/Malnutrition -- Health Reform -- Summary -- Latin America and the Caribbean -- Colombia -- Asia -- India -- China -- Japan -- Comparing National Health Systems -- Economic Issues in National Health Systems -- Reforming National Health Systems -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- International -- United States -- Canada -- United Kingdom -- Europe --
Contents note continued: Nordic Countries, Germany, and the Netherlands -- Russia -- Israel -- Developing Countries -- Nigeria -- Latin America and the Caribbean -- Colombia -- India -- China -- Japan -- 14.Human Resources for Health -- Introduction -- Overview of Human Resources -- Human Resources Planning -- Supply and Demand -- Medical Education -- Postgraduate Medical Training -- Specialization and Family Practice -- Training in Preventive Medicine -- Nursing Education -- In-Service and Continuing Education -- Accreditation of Health Professional Educational or Training Facilities -- The Range of Health Disciplines -- Licensure and Supervision -- Constraints on the Health Care Provider -- Other Health Professions -- Expanding Roles in Primary Care -- Nurse Practitioners -- Physician Assistants -- Feldshers -- Community Health Workers -- Alternative Medicine -- Changing the Balance -- Education for Public Health and Health Management --
Contents note continued: Core Elements for Master of Public Health Programs -- Ranking Universities -- Field Epidemiology -- Public Health Education in Europe -- Health Policy and Management of Human Resources -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- 15.Health Technology, Quality, Law, and Ethics -- Introduction -- Innovation, Regulation, and Quality Control -- Appropriate Health Technology -- Priority Interventions in Low- and Medium-Income Countries -- Priority Selection in High-Income Countries -- Health Technology Assessment -- Technology Assessment in Hospitals -- Technology Assessment in Prevention and Health Promotion -- Technology Assessment in National Health Systems -- Dissemination of Technology -- Diffusion of Technology -- Quality Assurance -- Adverse Events and Negligence -- Licensure and Certification -- Health Facility Accreditation -- Peer Review -- Tracer Conditions -- Setting Standards -- Algorithms and Clinical Guidelines -- Organization of Care --
Contents note continued: Diagnosis-Related Groups -- Managed Care -- Performance Indicators -- Consumerism and Quality -- The Public Interest -- Total Quality Management -- Public Health Law -- Environmental Health -- Public Health Law Reform -- Ethical Issues In Public Health -- Individual and Community Rights -- Tragic Deviations in Public Health Ethics -- Human Experimentation -- Ethics in Public Health Research -- Ethics in Patient Care -- Sanctity of Life Versus Euthanasia -- The Imperative to Act or Not Act in Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Health Technology -- Quality -- Law -- Ethics -- 16.Global Health -- Introduction -- The Global Health Situation -- Priorities in Global Health -- Poverty-Illness-Population--Environment -- Child Health -- Maternal Health -- Population Growth -- Malnutrition -- The Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Other Communicable Diseases -- Non-Communicable Diseases -- Disaster Management -- Environment --
Contents note continued: Global Partnership for Development -- Development and Health -- Organization for International Health -- World Health Organization -- United Nations Children's Fund -- Non-Governmental Organizations -- The World Bank -- Trends in Global Health -- Emerging Infectious Disease Threats -- Expanding National Health Capacity -- Top-Down and Bottom-Up Development -- Global Health and the New Public Health -- Summary -- Note -- Bibliography -- Global Health -- International Organizations -- Global Health in the Future
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شماره ثبتشماره بازیابینام عام موادمحل نگهداریوضعیت ثبتوضعیت امانت
0101003565RA425 .T77 کتاب فارسیپژوهشکده مطالعات زن و خانواده دانشگاه ادیان و مذاهباسناد معمولیموجود

کاربران آنلاین :22