نوع مدرک: | متون چاپی |
سرشناسه | Pearce ، Tola Olu ; Moraes, Andrea |
شماره بازیابی : | HQ759 .G544 2021 |
عنوان : | Global perspectives on motherhood, mothering and masculinities |
تکرار نام مولف : | edited by Tólá Olú Pearce and Andréa Moraes |
ناشر: | Bradford, Ontario : Demeter Press |
سال نشر : | [2021] |
صفحه شمار: | 299 pages |
ویژگی : | illustrations |
ابعاد : | 23 cm |
شابک/شاپا | 978-1-7725-8287-1 |
یادداشت | Includes bibliographical references (varied pages)
1772582875 |
شناسه افزوده : | Pearce ، Tola Olu Moraes, Andrea |
موضوعها : | اصفا Motherhood--Social aspects ؛ Sex role ؛ Masculinity ؛ Femininity ؛ Motherhood ؛ Mothers and sons ؛ Women--Identity ؛ Men--Identity
چکیده : | "The two phenomena highlighted in this edited volume 'motherhood/mothering and masculinities' are each recent areas of development in critical Feminist and Men's Studies. In contributing to these areas of gender studies, this book draws attention to the fact that much can also be gained when we explore relationships between them, an idea that may not readily come to mind. While femininities and masculinities are co-constructed, motherhood and mothering bring additional perspectives to the study of femininity that affect the construction of masculinity in complex ways. The 12 chapters in this volume allow readers to ponder some of these complexities and may suggest other issues that require investigation. Spanning many continents, the essays have both a global and historical reach emphasising cultural differences and historical changes. Of import is the idea that mothers have agency and are active in constructions affecting their lives. They are able to bring motherhood out of the shadows as they strive to build, re-evaluate or alter their roles within families and communities. These have an impact on developments in masculinities. The book is divided into three parts and the chapters investigate a wide range of issues including cultural constructs, gender in parent/child, relationships, non-binary developments, the impact of war on mothering, decolonisation struggles, and much more."-- |
لینک ثابت رکورد: | ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=2729 |
زبان مدرک : | English |