نوع مدرک: | متون چاپی |
سرشناسه | Sainsbury ، Diane، نویسنده |
شماره بازیابی : | HN117 .g 1999 |
عنوان : | Gender and Welfare State Regimes |
تکرار نام مولف : | Diane Sainsbury |
ناشر: | Oxford University Press; 1st edition |
سال نشر : | 1999 |
صفحه شمار: | 293 |
ابعاد : | 24 cm |
شابک/شاپا | 978-0-19-829416-0 |
یادداشت | Gender and Welfare State Regimes focuses on the interrelationships between aspects of the welfare state and labour market policies in structuring and transforming gender relations across a broad spectrum of countries. The book examines the construction of gender in various government welfare policies and illustrates how the specific qualities of the welfare state reinforce or counteract gender inequalities |
لینک ثابت رکورد: | ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=2354 |
زبان مدرک : | English |